Motivation and Commitment of the Non-Teaching Personnel of the Department of Education, Division of Bohol, Philippines

Frederick Namoc, Janice Aurora Tirol


Employees’ level of motivation and commitment plays an important factor in an organization. The effectiveness of an institution to maintain a quality team of employees links to its ability in managing the staff as well as recognizing the individual’s contributions. This study sought to determine the motivation and commitment of the non-teaching personnel of the Department of Education, Division of Bohol. Utilizing a quantitative method approach, the study used standardized tools on Motivation, Career Commitment, and Organizational Commitment. A total of 114 non-teaching personnel took part in the study, chosen using the complete enumeration method. The study revealed that non-teaching personnel were highly motivated regarding intrinsic motivation, while moderately motivated regarding extrinsic motivation as perceived by themselves and their administrative heads. Non-teaching personnel were moderately committed towards their career, while they were highly committed towards the organization. The level of motivation of the non-teaching personnel played a significant role in their level of commitment towards their career and to the organization. Also, the level of commitment towards the career and organization of the non-teaching personnel showed a significant degree of difference. Lastly, the level of motivation among the non-teaching personnel differ between their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.


Motivation; intrinsic; extrinsic; commitment; quantitative; universal sampling; correlation; t-test; non-teaching personnel; DepEd; Division of Bohol; Philippines

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