Asian Psychological Service and Assessment (APSA) in Relation to the Academic Performance of Kindergarten 2 Pupils of UB-VDTALC

Zedne Ay-ad, Eudoxita Lomaad


The Asian Psychological Services and Assessment, Inc. (APSA) was formed in 1987 in response to the assessment and testing needs of Philippine industry in assessing the abilities and personalities of Asian workers. Academic performance is measured and premised through several components per learning area, namely written work (40%), performance tasks (30%) and periodic examinations (30%). The main purpose of the study was to determine the APSA results in Mathematics and English in relation to the academic performance of Kindergarten 2 pupils of the University of Bohol - Victoriano D. Tirol Advanced Learning Center (UB-VDTALC) for School Years 2013-2014, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. The study utilized purposive complete enumeration design using documentary analysis of existing records of the pupils’ academic performance as reflected in Form 137 and APSA results in the learning areas of Mathematics and English for the said timeframe. The resultant data were analyzed using frequency and percentages, statistical treatments as Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Analysis of Variance. A high positive correlation was seen between the academic performance and APSA result in English for three consecutive school years. Math performance in both APSA and academics were significantly correlated. The performance of pupils in the learning competencies does not significantly vary because the ratings in the three school years were almost the same in both English and Mathematics.


APSA; academic performance; quantitative method; Pearson Product Moment Correlation; ANOVA; Philippines; Asia

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