Students’ Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Anxiety as Correlates to Academic Performance

Ma. Melzara Cuevas, Mark Berou


Mathematical aptitude reflected in academic performance is known to be based upon the attitudes of students in approaching the subject. This study aimed to determine how mathematics self-efficacy and anxiety affect academic performance. The researchers used the descriptive-normative survey and documentary analysis of existing records with the stakeholders, the Grade 7 students. Data were analyzed using the Pearson Product-Moment Coefficient of Correlation, t-test, and Chi-Square. Results showed that students had an average level of mathematics self-efficacy regarding understanding and applying the concepts of the subject. However, they also had high anxiety when working with Mathematics tasks or less confidence in achieving high marks or grades. The study concluded that the higher the students’ level of Mathematics self-efficacy, the lower their level of Mathematics anxiety. Conversely, the higher the students’ level of self-efficacy and the lower their mathematical anxiety, the higher was their academic performance. It implied that education programs addressing the enhancement of Mathematics self-efficacy and reducing Mathematics anxiety among students would not only reshape their perception of the subject’s difficulty but also improve their academic performance as they move up in the secondary level.


academic performance; mathematics anxiety; selfefficacy; quantitative method; Philippines; Asia

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