Problems Encountered and Support System among Teenage Mothers in San Isidro, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Casilda C. Lapez, Glory G. Roslinda, Sharon M. Lupio


Pregnancy brings both physical and psychological changes in a woman. Teenage mothers are unprepared for pregnancy because of their young age and lack of experience. They encounter problems during their period, so they are highly dependent on their family, community, government, and non-government support. Their study aims to determine the problems encountered and support received by teenage mothers within the duration of their pregnancy. The study utilized a quantitative survey method of research. Random sampling is the selection of participants was used where there were seventeen (17) teenage mothers with the age range of 13-19 years who participated in the study. Data gathering was conducted in their respective homes with the use of a self-made questionnaire. The results showed that the level of problems encountered by the teenage mothers regarding physical, psychological, and socio-economic was low as well as they have received supports from their families, community, and the government and non-government sectors. However, there wasn’t ample support from the sectors mentioned in this study that was experienced by the teenage mothers.


Teenage mothers; problems encountered; support received; quantitative; San Isidro; Tagbilaran; City; Bohol; Philippines

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