Assessment of the Academic Performance of the University Grade School Preschoolers, 2012-2013 University of Bohol, Tagbilaran City

Pete Roselyn Gulay, Leah Wilfreda E. Pilongo


Pre-elementary Education caters to distinct educational programs designed for ages three to six as preparation for formal primary education. This study aimed to assess the school readiness of its current pre-elementary graders and validate how effective the implementation of its curriculum is. The study is descriptive by nature as it sought to describe the present status of the incoming grade 1 pupil of UB, University Grade School. To ensure reliability and validity in the measurements, the researcher made use of the standard competencies for the school readiness assessment from the Department of Education and formulated questions based on those skills and competencies. One-sample t-test of significant difference – for comparing the 1st and 2nd readiness assessment of the respondents and Pearson Product-moment of Correlation as statistical treatments for testing the possible correlation between the academic performance and the readiness assessment scores of the respondents. The results show a higher percentage of respondents are under proficient and advanced levels of proficiency, Pearson r shows that the academic performance and school readiness assessment results were correlated and that that the first and second readiness assessment had no significant difference. It can be inferred that the assessment tool, as well as the process of conducting the test, were very reliable for it shows consistent results.


Pre-elementary education; academic performance; One sample t-test; Pearson Product Moment; Asia

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