Quality of Life Among Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) Dependent Students, University of Bohol

Eugene J. Enghog, Marlumina B. Teh


The quality of life is a general sense of how the respondents perceive or assess their sense of well-being. This particular study aims to look into how the OFW student-dependents assess their quality of life as reflected in their behavior or level of functioning across four domains—personal, psychosocial, cognitive, and spiritual. The study made use of descriptive- purposive survey method with the use of a self-constructed questionnaire on the assessment of the quality of life, and documentary analysis of the existing records as to the academic performance of OFW dependent students of the University of Bohol. In the analysis and interpretation of data, frequencies, percentages, weighted mean, Pearson Product Moment and Chi-Square were used. Results showed the largest percentage of the respondents had academic performance ratings equivalent to Very Good. The overall composite mean on the personal, psychosocial and cognitive areas was 3.23, which inferred that the condition is visible but not so obvious to the respondents, and they did not strongly feel their impact in their lives. Results showed further that there is no significant degree of correlation between academic performance and the quality of life of OFW dependents. Furthermore, weekly allowances have no significant impact on respondents’ academic performance.


Social Science; quality of life; weighted mean; Pearson Product Moment Correlation; Tagbilaran City; Bohol

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15631/ub.mrj.v3i1.21

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