Masculinity Ideology and Gender Role Conflict

Kit N. Balane, Godofreda O. Tirol


Masculinity ideology refers to beliefs, constructs, and conceptualizations of norms and roles of being men. This research aimed to find out the level of endorsement of Filipino men to the prevailing masculinity ideology and their level of gender role conflict. Furthermore, this study desired to increase men’s awareness of their roles and work for hand in hand with women. A cross-sectional survey research design was utilized for this study. A minimum of 900 questionnaires was purposely distributed to volunteers who were single, working, at least 18 years of age, have finished college, or if not, have at least some college experience to satisfy the requirement for a regression analysis method. Data were subjected to the Pearson R correlation method utilizing SPSS. Results showed the seemingly standing belief that men should be good providers of the family. Individual characteristics defined their roles as being objective, independent, and competitive rather than being physically strong or brave, or being attractive to the opposite sex. Among the masculinity ideologies, it is Macho-Guapito (virile -handsome) that is related to all the areas of gender role conflict. Gender role conflict was only slightly experienced by men, with the highest score in the area of success, power, and competition.


Social Science; gender; masculinity ideology; cross-sectional survey; Pearson R; Bohol; Philippines

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