Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Development in the University of Bohol

Leah Wilfreda E. Pilongo, Godofreda O. Tirol


Gender mainstreaming is an effective strategy of reducing if not eliminating the inequality between men and women in an organization. The particular study looked into gender mainstreaming and gender statistics in the whole organization of the University of Bohol and was initiated to answer the need to establish gender-sensitive statistics within the organization. It aimed to reflect the situation of women and men within the university and opened opportunities to understand issues specific to women and men using a gender lens. A desk review on gender-related policies and came up with sex disaggregation of data within the university. It qualitatively probed and determined that the gender-fair policies are translated into programs and are practiced at all levels in the university. Furthermore, the gender analysis showed more women than men held top and middle managerial positions in the university and so with student leaders. This is also true on enrollees on different courses, women outnumbered men in the majority of courses except for CET Management, Criminology, and CAFA. Hopefully, recommendations will be drawn to guide appropriate actions as Gender and Development programs are works in progress. This will enhance the university’s direction and commitment in moving towards full-blown implementation of gender mainstreaming in the whole organization.


Gender and Development; Gender Mainstreaming; Gender Statistics; Sex Disaggregation; Asia

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