It is Raining Tears: Voices of Women, Victims of Violence

Marry Joyce Gudmalin


Violence against women is a form of men’s expressions of controlling women to retain power. These behaviors include physical, emotional, psychological, verbal and economic abuse, threatened or actual use of weapons and destruction of property. The study utilized a qualitative method of research using a phenomenological approach. Four selected informants were individually interviewed in the municipality of Carmen, Bohol, Philippines. The researcher used an interview guide with a voice recorder to safeguard the accuracy of responses of each informant. Moreover, the members of the panel validated the interview guide. Research ethics clearance was secured from the Ethics Review Committee. Eight themes were created. Each subproblem had two themes which were: (1) Wounds from the Hand, Scars on the Mind and Reasons Behind the Scene. (2) Sword Pierced Heart and Scars from Physical and Mental Cruelty. (3) The Living Martyr and Family Over Pain. (4) Caring Ears and Shield from the Defender. Recommendations were the following: strengthening the awareness of women on domestic violence, deepening stakeholders’ coordination, further training, and seminars on effective counseling to the PNP and DSWD, and allocation of public funds for temporary shelter and immediate needs of the victims.


Criminal Justice; Violence Against Women; Lived Experiences; Qualitative IDI; Phenomenological Approach; Philippines Asia

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