Community Outreach Program (COP) of the University of Bohol, Philippines

Tito Tubo


Community outreach program (COP) is an essential component that converges the curriculum and provides opportunities to the people in the academe to apply the theories and concepts into actual life settings. This study looked into the effectiveness of the implementation of the institutional, programmatic schemes of the community involvement of the administration, faculty members and students of the University of Bohol. The study made use of the descriptive survey method with the aid of a self-constructed questionnaire. The locale of this study was the University of Bohol and the communities that were recipients of the university’s community outreach program. The respondents of this study were the students and teachers of the different colleges of the University of Bohol, and the community officials of the communities who were involved in the community outreach program. The self-constructed questionnaire consisted of the Level of Attainment of the goals and objectives; Problems Met; Level of Participation and Involvement and Level of Satisfaction of the COP. The statistical treatments were used in the verification of the reliability of the results; and the treatment of the data analysis and interpretation of data using weighted mean, significant difference of uncorrelated means, analysis of variance, Scheffe’s test, Chi-square. A significant difference in the ratings for teachers and students in the attainment of goals and objectives of the COP was noted in the Teachers College in which the teachers had significantly higher ratings than students.


Social Science; Community Outreach Program; Curriculum; Descriptive; Bohol; Philippines; Asia

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