Social Skills and Academic Performance among Grade 10 Students of the University of Bohol – University High School

Frederick Paroginog, Maribeth Dusal Alpuerto, Leah Wilfreda Echavez Pilongo


Social skills are a set of behaviors manifested by individuals in an interpersonal context in which they express feelings, attitudes, desires, opinions or rights suitable for the situation, respecting the same action in others with the dimensions of self-control, empathy, assertion, and cooperation. Academic performance in this study is measured according to the general average of the second grading period of School Year 2017-2018 of the Grade 10 Junior High students of the University of Bohol - University High School (UB-UHS) in Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines. This study intends to determine the level of social skills between the said students, in relation to their academic performance for the school year 2017-2018. This study made use of a quantitative method, specifically the descriptive-survey technique with the aid of the questionnaire to gather the level of social skills among the respondents. Results showed all respondents had a Moderate level of all the dimensions of social skills. Noteworthy to mention was their greater propensity to exercise Cooperation, followed by a tie in Empathy and Self-Control and last was Assertion. There was a significant relationship between sex and academic performance. When comparing the four dimensions of social skills using ANOVA, there was a significant variance of the four dimensions. When further tested using Scheffe’s Test, the pairings revealed significant difference on Self-Control and Empathy, between Self-Control and Cooperation, between Empathy and Assertion, between Empathy and Cooperation and Assertion and Cooperation. However, insignificant result was found between Self-Control and Assertion. Hence, a need to focus on more intensive programs on developing Social Skills for the students to develop and hone a well-balanced personality.


Basic education; social skills; academic performance; quantitative method; Chi-Square; Pearson Product Moment; ANOVA; Philippines; Asia

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