Spirituality and Self-Actualization

Melinda C. Pausanos


Spirituality is considered an important factor in the development of self-actualization among older adults as stated in the theory on Attaining Self-Actualization among Older Adults. This Study validated this assumption of the theory. This, the descriptive-correlational study utilized a multi-stage sample of 180 senior citizens in Tagbilaran City, Bohol. A 3 part instrument package was utilized to (1) describe the respondents' demographic profile and obtain measures for their (2) spiritually Well-Being Scale (FACIT-Sp) and (3) self-actualization using a 16-item questionnaire developed by Boyum (2004). A Somer's d analysis indicated that the spirituality of the older adult is significantly correlated with self-actualization (p=.019). This study revealed that older adults with a strong sense of spirituality tend to be more self-actualized.


Older adult; spiritually; self-actualization; Filipino family; Tagbilaran City; Philippines

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15631/aubgsps.v2i1.18

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